Category: General

  • Consistency is key.

    “We are what we do repeatedly. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit” – Some book. Read by some guy on YouTube. In order to do things, to live life to the full, to move forward. We need to do just that, move forward. Little by little, day by day. “We are what…

  • Blog more.

    I recently watched Seth Godin, in an interview where he highlighted the importance of blogging. Daily. Yup, I know… Now, one of my overall and somewhat vague goals for 2018 was to “Blog more“. At the beginning of the year, I kind of had a bit of an idea as to why I wanted to…

  • 2017 a Winner of a Year!

    Before January comes to an end. I wanted to write a short blog post of why 2017 was one of the best years of my life. Here is a list of things I did in 2017 (worth mentioning): Finally. Made Progress with my GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) Climbed Table Mountain Bought my first MackBook